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ZoomTM Intracranial Access System

Achieve Better and Faster Reperfusion with Intracranial Access1

A Patient-First Approach

Multiple options for .088" intracranial access, enabling the best possible outcome based on the anatomy of each patient.
Femoral Access
  • Zoom 88
  • Zoom 88 Support
Radial Access
  • Zoom RDL
Glass vasculaure Full body
Large .088" lumen for compatibility with large-bore aspiration catheters
Engineered support profile for trackability and stability
Optimized delivery of 0.088" access catheters
Extended hydrophilic coating and an optimized vessel dilator for smooth introduction into the artery
Femoral Access
  • Zoom 88
  • Zoom 88 Support
Radial Access
  • Zoom RDL
6F Insert Catheters
  • Zoom SIM
  • Zoom VTK
  • Zoom VRT

Built for Stroke. Built for Speed.

The first and only 6F Insert Catheter Portfolio with three shapes designed specifically for stroke patients.
Zoom Sim
Zoom Sim
Zoom Sim

Get Closer to Clot Than Ever Before

Consistently reach intracranial anatomy and gain more control over your stroke procedures.
Brain with Clot information tabs
Clot Control
Minimize distance to retrieve clot
See it in action
Flow Control
An outer diameter closely matched to the vessel size
See it in action
Navigation Control
Enhanced support for aspiration catheter delivery
See it in action

Watch .088" Intracranial Access in Action

Zoom 88 Case
Zoom 88 Support Case
Zoom RDL Case

Want to try the Zoom Stroke Solution for yourself? Let’s make it happen.